Creating a bold and bright entryway

We’re in the midst of winter and we’re dreaming of warmer, sunnier days ahead. While it may be cold and grey outside, your house can be anything but! Regardless of your style or the colour of your home, you can easily and inexpensively give your house a whole new look with a clever entryway makeover. Below, you’ll find our top tips for creating a bold and bright entryway look.

Start with a cheerful door colour: Even after all this time, we’re still impressed at the impact a fresh coat of paint in a beautiful colour can have to the overall look of your home. Your front door is the very first thing a person sees when it comes to your house, and you know how the saying goes—you only have one chance to make a first impression! Your front door is a great place to experiment with colour and have some fun. We especially love yellow, pink, red, blue, and green shades. With our Colourmix service you can have any Sandtex formulation mixed to whatever shade you can imagine!

Choose a trim that pops: Make your front door stand out with a trim that complements it perfectly. A bright white trim is always a safe options and can really make your entryway look sharp and perfect put together. Black is also a popular trim shade that lends a sophisticated touch to the look of your home. If you want a unique trim look, choose a more colourful shade but ensure it still looks good with your door colour. For a straightforward way to help your door pop, opt for a trim in either a darker or lighter shade in the same colour of your door.

Add more colour to your entryway with plants and flowers: Plants and flowers immediately perk up the look of your entryway by adding fresh pops of colour and liveliness. Natural elements always revitalise interiors and exteriors, so incorporating them wherever possible is a wise idea. We love flowers when the weather allows, and planted trees and topiaries can work year-round.

Make sure your entryway is properly illuminated for maximum impact: How can people appreciate all the care and effort you’ve put into making your front doorway look fabulous if they can’t see it? Find lighting that suits your style— the fixtures themselves can add plenty of interest to the space. String lights also work lovely for creating ambiance and a soft glow.


Ready to create an entryway you’ll absolutely love to come home to? The above tips will help get you started. Call into your local Sandtex stockist for more advice and to buy now!


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